Treehouse Farm

Cannabis Cooperative on Moku o Keawe in Wao o Kele

2024 A Fresh Start

Color photo of immature Dragon's Web Cannabis plant.

Within a matter of days of writing my previous post I was called to my Mom and became her primary caregiver. A reemergence of renal carcinoma in my Mom changed me. Our family and friends provided me with unconditional love and support through the process. People made sacrifices and I returned as a different person than the person that had left.

So I started fresh with the seeds of Plant #9, after five years of development I’m now calling, Dragon’s Web.

Photo Update Saturday May 18th

If you are looking for CBDV, stay tuned as we get our flowers from this harvest tested. If you want to be on the recipient list, drop us a note in the form.

New Patient Interests

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